There is no doubt that the greatest act of God's might occurred because of the cross. His death was the perfect sacrifice. Our sins were forgiven, yet the deal would not be sealed unless He was raised from the dead. Thanks be to God that on the third day He rose from the grave! I see such parallels between the Israelites and us. We too were living in bondage. Humanity had lived so long as slaves to sin. We were crying out to be free. God heard us, and just as He sent Moses to the Israelites, this time He sent His Son Jesus for us.
Most of the time we hold our heads high, defiant of the Enemy. But there are those rare times when, I don't know about you, but for me I wonder why Jesus ever saved me. What was the point of the cross if I don't get to always walk in victory? Sometimes my sin seems safer, easier, and offers security. Even though I was miserable, I at least knew what to expect. I begin to doubt the God who saved me. Where is He? When the whole time His master plan is that He get the glory. Remember what Paul writes? That His power is made perfect in our weakness. It's not all about you. It's not all about me.
Like those in the Exodus, we often fail to see beyond our own need. Yet, just as God did in ancient Egypt, He will get the glory in the end. His Son will be crowned with it. From Genesis to Revelation we see the greatness of God.
The fear that God caused in the hearts of the Egyptians and in the eyes of the Israelites was so they would know His name. The whole point of his mighty show of power displayed was so that they would give Him glory. That they would recognize that this is His story. God intended for His miracles and signs to be seen by the world with the intent that they would worship Him. The question may come up, 'Was God showing off?' and the answer is YES! God is not trying to impress man; He has no need for that. What we do or believe does not change who He is. But He is trying to impress upon us that He is mighty and because of that we are to fear and revere Him. We are to bring Him glory!
Fear and pride keep us from recognizing God's might. Fear says we can't do it; pride is confidence that we can. But both arise when we try to do it on our own.
So, what do we do with this truth that God is mighty? We do what Moses commanded the people of Israel to do. There are times in our lives when are simply supposed to stand still, not be afraid, and watch what the Lord is going to do. But as God commanded them, we keep moving! You gotta love the irony. Be still and move. Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed. And once God gets the glory, we respond just like the Israelites...with worship. They sang a victory song. They called him their strength, their song, and their salvation. They called Him a warrior.
I have to ask you. Is God getting the glory for the victories in your life? Or are you walking out with your head held high and defiant like the Israelites? God is mighty; He will get the glory. So, why not willingly give it to Him?
Most of the time we hold our heads high, defiant of the Enemy. But there are those rare times when, I don't know about you, but for me I wonder why Jesus ever saved me. What was the point of the cross if I don't get to always walk in victory? Sometimes my sin seems safer, easier, and offers security. Even though I was miserable, I at least knew what to expect. I begin to doubt the God who saved me. Where is He? When the whole time His master plan is that He get the glory. Remember what Paul writes? That His power is made perfect in our weakness. It's not all about you. It's not all about me.
Like those in the Exodus, we often fail to see beyond our own need. Yet, just as God did in ancient Egypt, He will get the glory in the end. His Son will be crowned with it. From Genesis to Revelation we see the greatness of God.
The fear that God caused in the hearts of the Egyptians and in the eyes of the Israelites was so they would know His name. The whole point of his mighty show of power displayed was so that they would give Him glory. That they would recognize that this is His story. God intended for His miracles and signs to be seen by the world with the intent that they would worship Him. The question may come up, 'Was God showing off?' and the answer is YES! God is not trying to impress man; He has no need for that. What we do or believe does not change who He is. But He is trying to impress upon us that He is mighty and because of that we are to fear and revere Him. We are to bring Him glory!
Fear and pride keep us from recognizing God's might. Fear says we can't do it; pride is confidence that we can. But both arise when we try to do it on our own.
So, what do we do with this truth that God is mighty? We do what Moses commanded the people of Israel to do. There are times in our lives when are simply supposed to stand still, not be afraid, and watch what the Lord is going to do. But as God commanded them, we keep moving! You gotta love the irony. Be still and move. Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed. And once God gets the glory, we respond just like the Israelites...with worship. They sang a victory song. They called him their strength, their song, and their salvation. They called Him a warrior.
I have to ask you. Is God getting the glory for the victories in your life? Or are you walking out with your head held high and defiant like the Israelites? God is mighty; He will get the glory. So, why not willingly give it to Him?
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