10 We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. 11 When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. - Joshua 2
At this point, Jericho’s hometown harlot has hidden two Israelite spies that Joshua sent into the land. Now, Rahab is preparing to ask that they spare her family’s lives when their people come to claim the city. What strikes me is why she’s on their side. She didn’t know these men from Adam and had no reason to help them; but she had heard of their God and what He was capable of. Let’s think about this: it’s been forty years since God parted the Red Sea as his people fled the Egyptians. Yet, God’s renown has continued to grow; His fame has preceded His people and prepared the way.
It’s a similar scene in Nehemiah as the King’s former cupbearer coordinates the massive effort to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. They managed to finish the massive project in only 52 days; an incredible feat. Again, word of what God had done spread.
16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. - Nehemiah 6
God’s greatness serves as a warning to our enemies not to mess with us. It’s also a reminder of why we should obey and walk in His ways. God commanded Joshua to be ‘strong and courageous’ before he sent the spies. The Lord already knew the occupants of the land were afraid, and God knew what He was going to do. Joshua had reason to believe, after all, he too knew what God was famous for. But like me and you, he still had to choose.
Here’s the thing about God’s fame: it will either draw people to Him or drive them far from Him. Men will be forced to choose to love or leave. In these two cases where walls are involved (Jericho and Jerusalem), the other nations were afraid. Yet, because of Rahab’s choice she and her family were saved. All of it is attributed to God’s fame. So how do we participate in spreading His Name?
The Great Commission, the call of Community and every other church, is to go into all the world. God has already secured the salvation of humanity. Now, He has commanded us to tell them; to make His name known. God does not need a spin doctor, a PR person, or an agent to try and sell Him as something He is not. He already is, has been, and will be, the great ‘I Am’. What He desires is for simple people like you and me to tell His story. That’s it. How straight forward can it be? Rest assured someone will listen if we speak.
It’s funny to me how when we tell our life stories, our so-called testimonies, they always bring God glory and not us. More often than not, we look and seem like the sinner we were and are who have been set free and redeemed. As John Piper puts it, we were made to make God look great; and let’s face it, that’s something we ain’t.
Remember this simple truth: Before anyone could have heard, someone had to have spoken the word. That someone is you. Take heart in knowing that God’s fame goes before you. He is the Famous One.
At this point, Jericho’s hometown harlot has hidden two Israelite spies that Joshua sent into the land. Now, Rahab is preparing to ask that they spare her family’s lives when their people come to claim the city. What strikes me is why she’s on their side. She didn’t know these men from Adam and had no reason to help them; but she had heard of their God and what He was capable of. Let’s think about this: it’s been forty years since God parted the Red Sea as his people fled the Egyptians. Yet, God’s renown has continued to grow; His fame has preceded His people and prepared the way.
It’s a similar scene in Nehemiah as the King’s former cupbearer coordinates the massive effort to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. They managed to finish the massive project in only 52 days; an incredible feat. Again, word of what God had done spread.
16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God. - Nehemiah 6
God’s greatness serves as a warning to our enemies not to mess with us. It’s also a reminder of why we should obey and walk in His ways. God commanded Joshua to be ‘strong and courageous’ before he sent the spies. The Lord already knew the occupants of the land were afraid, and God knew what He was going to do. Joshua had reason to believe, after all, he too knew what God was famous for. But like me and you, he still had to choose.
Here’s the thing about God’s fame: it will either draw people to Him or drive them far from Him. Men will be forced to choose to love or leave. In these two cases where walls are involved (Jericho and Jerusalem), the other nations were afraid. Yet, because of Rahab’s choice she and her family were saved. All of it is attributed to God’s fame. So how do we participate in spreading His Name?
The Great Commission, the call of Community and every other church, is to go into all the world. God has already secured the salvation of humanity. Now, He has commanded us to tell them; to make His name known. God does not need a spin doctor, a PR person, or an agent to try and sell Him as something He is not. He already is, has been, and will be, the great ‘I Am’. What He desires is for simple people like you and me to tell His story. That’s it. How straight forward can it be? Rest assured someone will listen if we speak.
It’s funny to me how when we tell our life stories, our so-called testimonies, they always bring God glory and not us. More often than not, we look and seem like the sinner we were and are who have been set free and redeemed. As John Piper puts it, we were made to make God look great; and let’s face it, that’s something we ain’t.
Remember this simple truth: Before anyone could have heard, someone had to have spoken the word. That someone is you. Take heart in knowing that God’s fame goes before you. He is the Famous One.